You only have 27,375 Days to Live….in a Lifetime. How are you going to spend it?

The average person lives only 27,375 days.

That's a total of 75 years in a physical body, living your life here on Earth. 

That's it. 27,375 days is all you a lifetime. 

Learn how many days you have left with this equation. Take your age multiply it by 365, then subtract it by 27,375. {Example 45 years old x 365 days per year =16,425 already lived. 27,375 average days lived - 16,425 days already lived = 10,950 days left to live}

Makes life seem even shorter, doesn't it? 

Now take out a notebook and pen and answer these questions.

  • What does your daily life look like?

  • How are you choosing to live?

  • How much time is taken up with sleeping, working, and taking care of obligations? 

  • How much time do you spend in front of the tv, a phone or computer vs being present with your family, yourself and what brings you joy?

  • How much time do you spend worrying about health, money, career, relationships, family? 

  • How much do emotions, fear, and thoughts of limitations control your life? 

Now, how much time is actually spent living in a way that honors you, your heart and Soul? 

  • How much time do you spend laughing? 

  • How often do you follow your heart, take action and engage with life? 

  • How often do you stop yourself from doing something that excites you and makes you happy and why? 

  • How often do you make choices based on other people, rules and conditioning instead of based in what you truly desire? (aka beliefs from family, culture, school, religion, etc.)

  • How much do you push life, opportunities and love away? in order to defend and protect yourself?

How are you going to spend the days of your life? 

In a few days, we enter into a new year. 

Resolutions will be made, in hopes of a better year and better you. 

But what if, instead of making New Years resolutions, you decide how you want your next year to be? And make a conscious choice for the next 365 days to align to that in the small choices you make daily.

Commit to you in 2023. 

Commit to your happiness, freedom, self-love and acceptance. 

Commit to your authenticity, your truth, your Soul.

Choose to live every day to the fullest. 

Share your insights, awarenesses and aha moments with me. 


Your thoughts impact your emotions, behaviors and reality