How to Increase Your Intuition & Listen to Your Inner Voice


Your intuition guides you. She speaks softly, gently inviting you to follow her. She makes your heart beat a little faster with excitement, curiosity and expansion. She supports you in aligning with your Soul, your hearts wisdom and living your truth.

When you listen to the voice within and follow through on what it is asking for, doors and gateways open. It might not make sense to your logical mind, or others around you....and that's okay. Following your heart and Soul isn't logical, it's a calling and invitation into something more; bringing you more joy, freedom, peace, and abundance.

Let me ask you, when was the last time you followed your heart, regardless of what your mind or the outside world said? What happened?

I find too much of the time we make our choices out of fear and uncertainty based in past experiences, conditions, doubts and what others might judge us for. What would happen in your life if you began making choices based on the intuition you received instead?

Here are 5 tips to help you begin to listen to your own inner voice and follow your intuition in your life.

  • Get outside in nature. Observe what's around and within you. Leave your phone and electronics at home. Ground into the earth. Be present. Allow the sun, trees and earth to rejuvenate you, clear your mind and open your heart.

  • Sit quietly. Meditating for as little as 10 minutes a day supports you in being still, listening and hearing what your inner voice is communicating with you. If you have thoughts show up, allow them, then simply watch them float away as you focus on your breath. Setting a timer can be beneficial so you aren't worried about losing track of time.

  • Write down what inspires you, excites you, continues to call your attention or nudges you. What dreams continue to repeat or show up in your life? What lights you up and excites your heart? What makes you come alive? What have you wanted to try or experience, but haven't allowed yourself to? Have you always wanted to take a pottery class, but haven't due to lack of time? Have you longed to go back to school or take a program, but the fears or self doubt stops you? Your Soul is asking to experience these. Writing them down will bring them to the surface for you to see and be witness to.

  • Communicate and express your truth. Speaking what is true for you is essential in all relationships. Once you do, there is more clarity, and freedom. Have you been wanting to say something in your relationship, but hold yourself back due to how your partner may react? Or fear that you may feel selfish?

  • Take action. Follow your heart, regardless of the fears, doubts and uncertainties. Say yes. Even if it scares you. Even if it stretches your comfort zone. Even if you don't know how it will happen. Even if you don't know the outcome. Surrender to the experience and embrace all of it.

Increase your intuition and awaken your spiritual gifts now by enrolling in the online 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings with founder of Generational Healing® today.


You only have 27,375 Days to Live….in a Lifetime. How are you going to spend it?