Your thoughts impact your emotions, behaviors and reality

I'm sure you have already heard that thoughts create your reality. 

But did you know that the majority of what you think is based on societal, family and cultural conditioning? How you think is rooted in past experiences, fear of the future and what you have been taught. 

Overthinking, analyzing and turning off the negative self talk is something I hear women struggle with every single day. (Myself included. In fact, my mind raced constantly causing stress, anxiety, depression, scarcity and low of self-worth.)
Experts estimate the mind thinks between 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of thoughts are negative and 95% of thoughts are repetitive.

What you think affects your emotions, how you feel, your experiences and the choices you make daily. It forms the lens in which you see reality around you. 

Curious about what your thoughts are? 

I invite you to take out a notebook and a pen. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Begin writing every thought you have down. (You can use shorthand if you'd like.)

Do not pause, judge or censor. 

If the same thought comes up more than once, write it down. 

Once the timer goes off, review the number of thoughts your jotted down. 

How many did you write down? Are they mostly positive or negative? How many are actually true? 

This is what is taking up space in your brain. This exercise was only for 5 minutes. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Imagine what thoughts control you throughout the day and your life. 

No wonder you feel overwhelmed and are experiencing worry, depression, anxiety, fear, confusion and so much more. 

Personally, I had so many thoughts looping and rushing through at any given moment, that I tuned them out and was mostly unconscious of what my mind was communicating and emanating out to others, and directing inward. 

Recognizing and changing my thoughts has not been an easy task, even when I knew it was creating my reality.

It wasn't until I learned the technique for Clearing Mental Chaos in the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Apprenticeship Training taught by the founder of Generational Healing®, Deborah Skye King.

This initiation alone resolved much of my mental chatter, negative self-talk and consistent looping that played over and over.  

In fact, it's one of the most listened to teachings within the Apprenticeship Training. 

Women who have participated in the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings report things like "I don't have any thoughts!"  and "My mind is quiet!" 

Imagine what it would be like to live in the present moment where the thoughts do not make your choices, create limitations and amplify fears. 

Imagine having a quiet mind, free from the mental chatter and chaos.

Begin your journey with the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Online Apprenticeship Training today to take back control over your thoughts so you can experience more self-love, happiness and freedom. 

Start right away. with the 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings ~ Online Apprenticeship Training.

You deserve it. 


Are you the black sheep of your family?


You only have 27,375 Days to Live….in a Lifetime. How are you going to spend it?