Resurrection out of the Dark Night of the Soul


"Out of the suffering have emerged the strongest Souls' the most massive characters are seared with scars." ~ Khalil Gibran

As I awake in the light following the winter solstice I’m filled with love and gratitude for each of you. You see, I am excitingly anticipating the healing, the connection and the expansion that awaits you.

Why? Because I know this past year has been filled with challenges. Scattered among great joys and celebrations has also been extreme confusion, upset, fear, destruction and loss.

The Dark night of the Soul is what many people refer to when you are moving through a darkness of despair; a struggle that has left you feeling empty, isolated and disconnected. You feel hopeless, lost, confused and depressed. Life as you know it has ended and you suddenly are uncertain about everything in your life. You may have lost trust in yourself and the Divine, you may have been desperately asking the questions, "What is my purpose? Why am I here? There must be more to life than this.", you may have faced challenges, loss and utter destruction that has left you longing for renewal, resurrection and rebirth. Yet, no matter what you have done you've struggled to come out the other side.

Quietly, hidden in the background I've struggled with many of the same challenges as you. This year has brought me to my knees in my own dark night of the soul, gasping for breath, clinging to the way things used to be and facing fears that I thought would destroy me. Each event, led me to the next death of self-identity and ego.

I fought it. I resisted it. I ignored it. I pretended it wasn't there. I denied. I became angry and lashed out. I went into old survival patterns. I lied to myself. I felt like a failure. I wanted to crawl into a cave and hide. I was on the verge of no return.

But ultimately I had to face fears head on, literally look death in the eyes and acknowledge the truth that laid within.

Then suddenly it all changed. Within all the messiness, the uncomfortableness, the confusion, fear and falling away of illusions as my life crumbled around me, I was deeply held and loved by strangers in all of my not okayness.

There is something that happens when you are witnessed fully - as you - no matter where you are in life.

That was the tipping point for me.

Through literally facing death head on for not only myself, but also by a loved ones side, I stepped into a new phase….an unfamiliar territory….Surrender.

Surrender didn’t mean giving up. Instead it led me to replace depression and anxiety with hope, peace and presence. It helped me discover who I truly am, embrace my soul desires, awakened strength and gifts within me and allowed me to see life through fresh eyes.

I was brought to a place of deeply knowing and accepting me. Fully. Unconditionally in all of who I am, and who I’m not. Within both my humanness and my divinity.

With surrender came the greatest gift of all…. Self-Acceptance.

The lessons from this dark night of the soul continue to grace me, but one of the most powerful teachings that came through is that only through self-acceptance can you live fully in all your greatness.

As you shed old ways of being, you are being given a gift...Through this initiation you are being shown your way back home to yourself. It's an awakening. A rebirth. A resurrection. Ultimately leading you back to the light.

You don't have to be perfect. Things don't always go as planned and fall into place as we hope they will. You are always more than enough. You can let go of control and move with grace. It's okay to be vulnerable. You don't have to have it all figured out. There is nothing that needs to be fixed because you are not broken.

Life is filled with ups and downs, challenges and upsets. We no longer have to consider these wrong. We aren't wrong for how we feel, we aren't wrong for the thoughts we think, we aren't wrong in our choices. Beating ourselves up, judging ourselves or others, desperately trying to force things when we aren't in alignment doesn't serve us or the world.

Coming to self acceptance allows us to embrace all that we are. Perfectly imperfect. And that my dear friends is beautiful and magical and so incredibly freeing.

Imagined being witnessed and held with love, compassion and acceptance. Imagine what doors could open for you, how much healing could take place, what could be possible for you.

Imagine feeling connected to yourself, to the world around you and fully loving all of you in all the messiness. What would that feel like for you? What would change for you?

To support you in whatever you may be facing I am being guided to offer 1:1 phone sessions for nearly half off!! During these sessions I’m bringing forth decades of professional training I’ve personally had with coaches, healers, shamans, energy readers and master teachers, along with my own genius to support you in renewal, self-acceptance, freedom and alchemy to live your soul-inspired life. Each session is designed specifically to you, where you are in life and your highest and best good. It's something I've never before offered and only available for the next 5 days at this low rate.

When you enter into this sacred work you will be placed in a container of energy that works directly with you bringing forth tools, practices and guidance that supports you exactly where you are to come back into alignment with your soul.

Enter the gateway and receive the support and guidance you have been searching for. Together we transmute the density, shift and clear energy and give you clarity, hope and and renewal.

Sign up today!


Self-Reflections to Release the Old